Jewel Art Store

Monday, April 8, 2019

What I do on January - June 2019 | William Chandra

What I do at the moment

Hello everybody! I would love to share with you what I'm currently doing at the moment. There are of course some projects that I don't share due to NDA and my (too) personal projects. Hopefully, you can know a little bit more about me through my projects :D


I'm currently working on my master's thesis. I haven't written much so far, currently still in collecting and analyzing phase. Fortunately, I just got my data on April 7, 2019, which means I can start analyzing the data and hopefully writing effectively soon.

Me with books about thesis writing XD

My thesis is exploratory research. I am developing some constructs that haven't been explored before (that I know so far). It's about digitalized artefacts and smart card. I can't wait to share the result with you when It's done!


I'm planning on taking TOCFL listening and reading test in May. I still have a month left to study for the B2 level. I'll try my best! If you're interested on taking the test, I put the brochure below. Good luck!

TOCFL brochure
TOCFL Brochure

Jewel Art Store
Jewel Art Store

Apollo Modularized PV & TECO Green Tech

I believe you would know this already from my previous blog post. I'm currently involved in a startup team working in green technology. Our team won the EBL competition held by IEEE, PELS, and DELTA. The grand final will be held in September 2019 in Baltimore, USA.

I'm handling the business and design area. So, I'm working on the business strategies, about customers, marketing, billing, after services, etc. and posters, presentation, and pitch or documentation video.

We also want to compete in the TECO Green Tech competition. So, I'm also currently preparing for the application.

Team Apollo - Asia Pacific EBL track 1B winner


This one is my never-ending personal project. I started this blog since early 2017 and turned it into a website in January 2018. I love writing and sharing ideas, experience, information that I think would be useful for my readers. So, I don't think this blog would ever get off my list :)

I have some drafts about interesting topics, so new blog posts coming soon!

Job Application

Since I will graduate on June 1, 2019, I'm currently looking for an intern or preferably a full-time job while really searching what industry I want to work in.

Reading ^^

Say yes to reading!!! I love to read books. My go-to books are self-improvement, business, leadership, psychology, and sometimes a specific book such as data analytics/data visualization, etc.

My Insta Story XD - Books I want to read this spring

If you have any book recommendation, please tell me :)

What I like about what I do

What I like in what I do is that I love them all. I'm the type of person that will put my love in what I do. Even when I don't have a strong feeling at the start, I will grow and learn to love it.

More to do :)

I love to learn and improve myself. I want to try new experiences, involved in big projects, and impact other people's lives. Because I'm open to new experiences and learning, those opportunities are always coming to me. I can't wait to see what other projects I can do in the future :) In the meantime, I will put all my hearts and focus to be the best in what I do now.

If you have any questions, recommendations, or any kind of comments, please reach out to me ^^ I've made a blog post about where to find me, you can read it there.

Jewel Art Store
Jewel Art Store

1 comment:

  1. […] I’m a last semester graduate student, majoring in Information Management, at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. I have experience in business strategy and development, software development, system analysis, news, and media production.I’m currently focusing on my thesis and doing a startup project in the green technology sector. You can read about what I do at the moment here. […]
