Jewel Art Store

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

About Me | @williamwchandra

William Chandra is a IT Assurance and Cyber Security Consultant. He graduated with a master's degree in information management from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. He received his bachelor's degree in computer science majoring in information systems from University of Indonesia.

He has work experiences in web development (back-end and front-end engineering), customer support, customer experience, business & product development, and system analysis. Through these experiences, working with and for different stakeholders, he approaches different problems from the perspective of the customer, developer, company, and business client.

William Chandra is the 2019 NTUST valedictorian and the Top 15 finalist (out of 1000 applicants) of Adecco Taiwan CEO for One Month 2019 Program. William and his team are the Asia Pacific Track 1B winner of the Empower a Billion Lives Competition by IEEE and PELS. They are also invited as a global finalist (23 finalists out of 483 teams from all around the world) to Baltimore, Maryland to present their solutions for combating energy poverty in developing countries, especially for aquaculture farmers.

Outside of work, he enjoys learning new skills and brain-stimulating activity. He learns how to paint from Youtube videos and he regularly reflects on his experiences and writes them down on his blog to share the information with his readers. He was a dance coach for Saman Dance and his dance team was invited to perform in front of President of Taiwan Tsai Ing Wen.

Jewel Art Store
Jewel Art Store

You can find him here:

Linkedin: William Chandra
Instagram: @willowchand

Or this page :)

William Chandra
William Chandra

More Personal...

I started this blog because I had a hard time searching for the information that I need. It was about career and recruitment experience at that time. After experiencing that process myself, I decided to write my experience online and try my best to be informative and helpful in each blog post. Aside from that, I want to live by my motto "be the person that you need" and this is the least thing that I can do to help others.

Here's me in less than 500 characters.

Indonesian born-and-raised, I lived in Indonesia for 20 years and currently living and working in Taiwan. I speak Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Chinese (and still learning). The next language that I want to learn would be Spanish and Korean. I love to write, capture moments, create beautiful things (designing, editing photos & videos), and travel (exploring nature). Technology blows my mind and I want to be part of the most important time of technology advancement in history.

 This is me in a couple of points (or more) :)
  • I would describe myself as a generalist with strong interests in product management, business analysis, and data-driven analysis related role.
  • I enjoy multimedia editing such as photo and video and I had the opportunity to use these skills to doubled my role in various job and competitions that I've had so far.
  • I love to challenge myself in solving business problems with technology.
  • I was born in 1997.
  • I was born in a small city in Riau Province, Indonesia, called Tembilahan City. It was a city where everybody knows everybody and people still swim and shower in the river.

I'm writing this blog to tell my progress, my journey, my stories to the internet. I'm happy and shock (to be honest) that some of my posts hit #1 in the google search result. I hope through my stories, I can inspire you to go out and write your own.

Jewel Art Store
Jewel Art Store

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