Jewel Art Store

Monday, April 8, 2019

Where to Find Me? | @willowchand

What social media do I use?

I want to say I use them all, but I actually only use some social media. I think social media should be your expressive platform. So, I'm going to tell you what social media that I use to express myself and what you can expect from each social media. Let's get started!

Instagram - @williamwchandra

Of course, Instagram. I love taking pictures and capturing moments. I also use Instagram for catching up with my families and friends because virtually everyone uses Instagram in my circle.

Instagram - @williamwchandra

What you can expect from my Instagram page:
- What I'm currently reading and what I've read
- More personal activities, such as holidays, exercise, and personal projects.

Jewel Art Store
Jewel Art Store


Linkedin is one of the few platforms that is very clear on what it is about. It's about making a connection and strictly professional. If I'm not close enough to someone in real life to have their personal contact, I would reach out to them through Linkedin.

What you can expect from my Linkedin:
- You can reach out to me about anything work-related and career-related
- Some articles by me

Blog -

Sometimes I feel that my contents are scattered all over the place. So, I try to put them all together in one place like this blog.

Blog - William Chandra

What you can expect from my blog:
- I would probably post new updates or major changes in my life on my blog
- I write posts that I think are worthy to read.

Don't forget to say hi!

So, that was it!! Don't forget to say Hi ^^
Instagram: @williamwchandra
Linkedin: William Chandra

You can reach out to me on any platforms. If you have any questions about content-specific, I think it's better to comment on the content directly to help other readers. If you have personal questions, you can reach out to me through my Contact Page and Linkedin. Instagram would hide your message if we aren't following each other.

See ya!

Jewel Art Store
Jewel Art Store


  1. […] or any kind of comments, please reach out to me ^^ I’ve made a blog post about where to find me, you can read it there. Thanks for reading […]

  2. […] You’re already here, might as well connect with me 🙂You can find me here:Instagram: @williamwchandra Twitter: @williamwchandraLinkedin: William ChandraOr this page 🙂 […]
