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Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Team Apollo Won Best Track Awards IEEE EBL Competition

Empower a Billion Lives Competition by IEEE and PELS.

Team Apollo won Best Track Awards in the IEEE Empower a Billion Lives EBL Competition Pacific Asia regional round and will compete in the global round in Baltimore, USA 2019.

What did we propose?

Team Apollo proposed an overall system solution for rural off grid aquaculture farmers. Our solution provides the reliable electricity, monitoring and controlling system, increases dissolved oxygen, and stabilizes water pH and temperature.

I wrote a blog post about my experience in the global EBL competition here.

Jewel Art Store
Jewel Art Store

Team Apollo Won Best Track Awards in the IEEE Empower a Billion Lives Pacific Asia Regional Round (Delta Cup).

About EBL Competition

Cited from, "The EBL competition was launched in 2018 as a biennial global event to help teams around the world develop energy access solutions that could provide economically viable and scalable solutions for communities with average incomes of lower than US$2 per day. It was felt that regional teams would know their community needs and be able to offer viable solutions to improve their productivity and livelihood. Starting with 475 registered teams, 82 teams progressed to compete in one of five regional rounds held in Pacific Asia, South Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas where 23 teams were selected to field-test their solutions and compete in the Global Final. 

The competition was conceptualized by the IEEE Power Electronics Society and its volunteers and staff, with strong support from many regional sponsors and for the Global Final the sponsors include, Kehua Technologies, On Semiconductors, Southern Company, Vicor, Sungrow Technology, Texas Instruments and partners, The Center for Distributed Energy at the Georgia Institute of Technology and the IEEE Foundation."

EBL Competition Apollo Best Track Awards
Apollo Best Track Awards

More articles about career here, about college here, about scholarship here.


  1. […] believe you would know this already from my previous blog post. I’m currently involved in a startup team working in green technology. Our team won the EBL […]
